It's been almost a month since our last post and what a month it's been. When we returned home this spring we had all the usual doctors appointments expecting all the usual results. Well, the results weren't all usual, Mann's
PSA had almost doubled in the six months since last checked. Following numerous visits to Urologists and Oncologist for opinions and second opinions, today our day started a bit earlier than usual at 5 AM for a visit to the hospital. I'm now Radioactive

according to the arm band provided and the certificate provided for passage through customs if asked. Fortunately, my cancer was caught early and there's every reason to expect a good outcome. Hopefully this is just another bump in road of life.
In the midst of all this medical stuff, Carolyn and I spent the last week across town at the Richmond International Raceway. No racing was going on, just a great big motor home rally called GEAR (Greater Eastern Area Rally).

We got to spend the week in the company of about 800 of our closest friends. Every day was filled with seminars, games and social activities like ice cream socials etc. Every evening was filled with "Happy hours", meals out, entertainment etc. This is almost too much for all of us "old folks".
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